5 Interesting Facts About Australia

Before you going on a trip to Australia, we better learn about these facts about the Australian continent. because there are some interesting facts that we can know.

The continent of Australia is the smallest continent in the world. Australian produce is seafood that is very refreshing. Even some of the world’s famous chefs were born in Australia because the culinary world is very good.

Apart from the culinary world, Australia is also known as a country that has the best education in the world. Education in Australia is of a high standard and some of the best universities in the world are located in Australia.

Australian Interesting Facts

Apart from the world of culinary and education, Australia has other uniqueness that can become our insight before traveling. It is better if we learn first about the Australian continent.

The following are interesting facts about Australia:

  1. Compound Culture

Australia is known for its aboriginal tribes, but currently Australia is a country with a large population from abroad. Australian society is known to be the most tolerant society in the world.

This is what causes Australia to occupy the top position to become the most peaceful country and most people in the world want to live in. many Australians have Chinese, Vietnamese, British and other ancestry.

  1. Melbourne and Sydney Split

In 2004, a very large earthquake struck Macquarie Island in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean and New Zealand and Antarctica.

An earthquake measuring 8.1 SR rocked Australia and caused the splitting of the plains of Melbourne and Sydney.

  1. Kangaroo Population Is More Than Humans

This country is known as the Land of kangaroos because in 2016 there were 44 million kangaroo populations in Australia. This number is more than double the population of this country.

Whereas in 2009 the kangaroo population was only around 27 million. However, due to the abundance of kangaroo food in nature, there is an explosion in the population of this animal.

  1. 90% of Australians Live in Cities

There is a reason why nearly all Australians choose to live in big cities. Australia has an area of ​​7.62 million kilometers.

This is because in the interior of Australia it is known to have very extreme and arid temperatures. So that it makes the human population prefer to live in big cities.

Australia has many beaches so the weather in this country is quite hot. Even though 90% of Australians live in big cities, they are very strict with the rules so that their cities are very orderly.

  1. Australia Has Many Beaches

Interesting facts that the Australian continent has 10,000 beaches both that have been explored and which are not known to many people. It can take a really long time if you want to explore all the beaches in Australia.

The number of beaches in this country causes one of the most famous places in Australia is seafood. Almost all restaurants serve fresh seafood that is freshly caught. So that tourists feel satisfied after trying this culinary.

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